Channel: David Underhill » twisted
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Integrating Twisted with a pcap-based Python packet sniffer


Twisted is an awesome event-driven networking engine. Unfortunately, it does not have good support for interfacing with raw sockets (unlike its support for many network protocols, which is amazing). Anyway, I recently needed to work with raw sockets so I had to find a way to make it work with Twisted. Though Twisted does have a module (twisted.pair) which tries to provide some support for raw sockets, the module is poorly documented and requires a library which is not readily available.

Luckily, I stumbled on a module which works on top of the libpcap packet capture library called pcapy. It is simple to use, and thread-safe — and easy to integrate into a Twisted-based project.

I put together a short sample (see below) which shows how to capture raw packets alongside the main Twisted event loop. It would be trivial to extend this example to also write to a raw socket (using an ordinary Python socket). This example can also be downloaded here.

# This sample shows how to run a libpcap-based packet sniffer concurrently with
# the Twisted framework.  The Twisted component is an "Echo" TCP server
# (listening on port 9999) which prints everything it receives.  When a client
# connects, it starts the pcap thread.  When the pcap thread receives a packet,
# it sends a message to the client telling it the size of the received packet.
# Finally, when the client disconnects the program is terminated.
# To try this contrived example out, run this script as root (so that it can use
# pcap) and then connect to the echo server (e.g., telnet localhost 9999).  Note
# that the pcap parameters are hard-coded.  This code uses twisted 8.0.2 and
# pcapy-0.10.4.
import os
from pcapy import open_live
from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
from twisted.internet import reactor
# pcap settings
DEV          = 'eth0'  # interface to listen on
MAX_LEN      = 1514    # max size of packet to capture
PROMISCUOUS  = 1       # promiscuous mode?
READ_TIMEOUT = 100     # in milliseconds
PCAP_FILTER  = ''      # empty => get everything (or we could use a BPF filter)
MAX_PKTS     = -1      # number of packets to capture; -1 => no limit
def run_pcap(f):
    # the method which will be called when a packet is captured
    def ph(hdr, data):
        print 'pcap heard: when=%s sz=%dB' % (hdr.getts(), len(data))
        # thread safety: call from the main twisted event loop
        reactor.callFromThread(f, len(data))
    # start the packet capture
    print "Listening on %s: net=%s, mask=%s" % (DEV, p.getnet(), p.getmask())
    p.loop(MAX_PKTS, ph)
# a silly echo server which prints what it receives and sends info about the
# size of each packet captured on DEV
class Echo(Protocol):
    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        os._exit(0) # kill the whole process
    def connectionMade(self):
        # run pcap in another thread (it will run forever)
        reactor.callInThread(run_pcap, self.pcapDataReceived)
    def dataReceived(self, data):
        print 'echo got: %s' % data
    def pcapDataReceived(self, sz):
        self.transport.write('pcap got: %uB\n' % sz)
# starts the silly echo server on port 9999
def main():
    factory = Factory()
    factory.protocol = Echo
    reactor.listenTCP(9999, factory)
if __name__ == "__main__":

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